The GC thread must first complete the suspension of the JVM that the alarm thread initiated. GC线程必须首先完成对alarm线程启动的JVM的暂停。
Consequently, no request takes longer than two seconds to complete, even though only a single servlet thread is running. 因此,每个请求的处理时间不会超过两秒,即使只运行一个servlet线程。
By setting this property, the mediation developer can ensure that the complete request or response flow executes under a single thread of execution. 通过设置此属性,中介开发人员可以确保在单个执行线程下执行完整的请求或响应流。
The recipient can ask the Future to block until a result is ready, poll to see whether it's complete, cancel the computation, or check whether another thread has canceled it. 接收者可以要求Future阻止线程,直至一个结果就绪,检测查看它是否完成并取消计算指令,或检查是否有其他进程取消了它。
When this process is complete, the thread exits through a call to do_exit(). 当该进程完成后,此线程通过调用doexit()而产生。
When complete, the J2EE worker thread remains active. 当完成时,J2EE工作线程仍保持活动状态。
Note: You will need to post complete details of your configuration and your specific issue in this new thread for us to help you. 注意:您将需要在这个新的线程后的完整的详细信息,您的配置和您的具体问题,我们来帮助你。
Complete detail drawings of the screw thread insert ( Part 2#) by the assembly drawing of the jack. Integrated Software Package for Geographical Information, Maps and Graphics 根据千斤顶装配图拆画件2螺套的零件图。地理信息、图表、图形综合软件
Therefore, this paper proposes an approach which builds a complete model including thread interactions and "out of order" execution in a single thread. 因此,本文提出了一种建立包含多线程交互及线程内代码乱序执行的完整模型,并利用模型检测工具进行穷举检测的算法。
Complete thread process method for NC lathe 数控车床加工完整螺纹的方法
Considering the pitch deviation, pitch accumulative deviation, flank angle deviation and their combined influence on the pitch diameter, the authors present a complete differential optimal approximate model in this paper and use the ideal thread to approximate the actual thread radially and axially. 本文建立的螺纹中径当量全微分优化逼近模型,考虑了螺距偏差、螺距累积偏差和半角偏差本身及其相互间对中径的综合影响,并用理想螺纹在径向和轴向二维逼近实际螺纹。
An Optimal Approximate Algorithm of Complete Differential and Computer Graphic Simulation for Screw Thread Pitch Diameter Equivalent 螺纹中径当量的全微分优化逼近算法及图形仿真